Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Republic of Indonesia with National University of Singapore held Optimizing Supply Chain Network Performance Seminar on Tuesday, February 27 2018 at Ali Wardhana Building Jakarta. Welcome remarks by Mr. Elen Setiadi as Acting Deputy of Commerce and Industry, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and Dr. Robert de Souza as Executive Director, The Logistics Institute – Asia Pacific, National University of Singapore, and moderate by Dr. Nofrisel as Ketua Komite Tetap Jasa Layanan Logistik, Supply Chain & SDM, Mr. Ivan Kamadjaja – CEO Kamadjaja Logistics as a panelist along with Mr. Robi Toni from Ministry of Finance, Dr. Hermione Parson from Deakin University, Mr. Gilarsi W Setijono – President Director PT Pos Indonesia and President Director of PT Samudera Indonesia.
Optimizing end-to-end supply chain performance requires balancing the impact of improvement initiatives across people, processes and technologies. Traditional approaches to optimization, such as Lean Six Sigma are no longer enough to stay ahead. Increasingly, digital techniques are being employed. As the world shifts towards digital business models and technologies, coupled with changes in the global workforce and intensifying competitive threats, there is an increasing need to include innovative thinking and multifunctional transformational efforts.
This seminar dedicated to discussing some of the current techniques for optimizing the performance of supply chain networks, and conclude with a panel discussion of tool providers and local practitioners on the need for performance optimization tools and how they can be applied to enhance supply chain network performance.