Brokerage Solutions


We provide customs clearance services to major projects, most large industries and to other commercial or private clients.


Our experience and approved customs clearing staff are trained to accomplish the authentication, preparing and handling of documents, as well as completion of all post-shipment formalities and endorsements which enables clients to complete their commercial transactions without any hindrances.


We have extensive experience in the prompt resolution of clearance problems and advise clients on procedures that ensure smooth and efficient clearance with zero demurrages target.


Duty Drawback is the Indonesian Law and a Customs Regulation which provides refunds on imported items in certain circumstances when those items are exported or destroyed. Drawback allows companies to complete more favorably in foreign markets by eliminating certain import-related expenses from the cost of doing business. The complexity of the Drawback claim process couple with the penalties for improper claims discourages eligible firms from applying. Our experience with customs rules and regulations provides us with expertise in the area of Duty Drawback.