Kamadjaja Hackathon Day
In the last couple of year, Kamadjaja Logistics had been transformed itself into one of the most innovative logistics providers in Indonesia. This transformation had been pivoted around technology and digitalization in critical moment of truths specially in customers experience and internal business processes.
Thus, we held two days hackathon on November 10-11 to create and explore solutions for key areas in customer experience, business processes and in exploring possibility of new business model in logistics sector.
This hackathon is part of Startup Nation Summit 2018, an international world startup meeting event held by Surabaya City Government supported by Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) on November 16-17, 2018 .
Following the post last month in the series of Start Up Nation Summit 2018, our Kamadjaja Hackhaton Day activity is ready to set and go.
Mark your footprint in an attempt to create a digital disruption in logistics industry! Find out how and register now http://hackathon.kamadjaja.com